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Alloclionites is a genus of extinct ammonoid cephalopods within the family Clionitidae which is part of the ceratitid superfamily Clydonitaceae. Alloclionites comes from the Upper Triassic of the Alps, Balkans, Himalayas, Timor, and British Columbia and is recognized by its many tubercles which tend to diminish on the body chamber.

Source Data
Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID (GBIF)4623187https://www.gbif.org/species/4623187
PaleoBioDB ID (PBDB)14008https://paleobiodb.org/classic/checkTaxonInfo?taxon_no=14008
Taxonomy (GBIF)Life : Animalia : Mollusca : Cephalopoda : Ammonoidea : Steinmannitidae : Alloclionites
Taxonomy (PBDB)Life : Animalia : Mollusca : Cephalopoda : Ceratitida : Steinmannitidae : Alloclionites
Taxonomic Status (GBIF)accepted
-OpisthokontaCavalier-Smith 1987
-EubilateriaAx 1987
-ProtostomiaGrobben 1908
phylumMolluscaLinnaeus 1758
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
orderCeratitidaHyatt 1884
superfamilyClydonitaceaeMojsisovics 1879
familySteinmannitidaeTozer 1994
genusAlloclionitesSpath 1951
Scientific NameAlloclionites Spath, 1951
Name Published InCatalogue of the fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). Part IV. The Ammonoidea of the Trias, -.
Opinions (PBDB)
Alloclionitesgenusbelongs to Clionitidaestated with evidenceSpath, 1951
Alloclionitesgenusbelongs to Clionititidaestated without evidenceTozer, 1981
Alloclionitesgenusbelongs to Steinmannitidaestated with evidenceTozer, 1994
Alloclionitesgenusbelongs to Ceratitidasecond handSepkoski, 2002
Status (PBDB)extinct
Taxon Size (PBDB)7
First Recorded Appearance228 - 212 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
Last Recorded Appearance212 - 206 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
Motilityactively mobile (based on Ceratitida)
Visionwell-developed (based on Cephalopoda)
Dietcarnivore (based on Ceratitida)
Taphonomyaragonite (based on Ceratitida)
Primary Reference (PBDB)L. F. Spath. 1951. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History), Part V, The Ammonoidea of the Trias (II)

Fossil Distribution


NameStatusCommon Name(s)Fossil OccurrencesOldestYoungest
Alloclionites ares
accepted (GBIF)
listed (PBDB)
1212 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
212 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
Alloclionites dieneri
accepted (GBIF)
listed (PBDB)
5216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
Alloclionites himamalayicus
accepted (GBIF)
listed (PBDB)
1216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
Alloclionites jeanneti
accepted (GBIF)
listed (PBDB)
1216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
Alloclionites timorensis
listed (PBDB)
Alloclionites welteri
accepted (GBIF)
listed (PBDB)
6216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic
216 Ma
Late/Upper Triassic

Synonymy List

YearName and Author
1951Alloclionites Spath p. 51
1981Alloclionites Tozer p. 97
1994Alloclionites Tozer p. 181
2002Alloclionites Sepkoski, Jr.


Spath L. F. (1951) , Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History), Part V, The Ammonoidea of the Trias (II), 1-228
Tozer E. T. (1981) Triassic Ammonoidea: Classification, evolution and relationship with Permian and Jurassic Forms, The Ammonoidea: The evolution classification, mode of life and geological usefulness of a major fossil group, 66-100
Tozer E. T. (1994) Canadian Triassic Ammonoid Faunas, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 467, 1-663
Sepkoski, Jr. J. J. (2002) A compendium of fossil marine animal genera, Bulletins of American Paleontology 363, 1-560
Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 363, 1-560. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
Tozer, 1971 - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
Catalogue of the fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). Part IV. The Ammonoidea of the Trias, -. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
Data courtesy of: PBDB: The Paleobiology Database, Creative Commons CC-BY licenced. , GBIF: the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, various licences, iDigBio, various licences, and EOL: The Encyclopedia of Life (Open Data Public Domain). Because fossils are made of minerals too!
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