
Honessite : (Ni1-xFe3+x)(OH)2[SO4]x/2·nH2O, Azurite : Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

How to use the mindat.org media viewer

Click/touch this help panel to close it.

Welcome to the mindat.org media viewer. Here is a quick guide to some of the options available to you. Different controls are available depending on the type of media being shown (photo, video, animation, 3d image)

Controls - all media types

Zoom in and out of media using your mousewheel or with a two-finger 'resize' action on a touch device.

Use the mouse or your finger to drag the image or the view area of the image around the screen.

< and > at the left and right hand side of the screen move forwards and backwards for the other images associated with the media you selected. Usually this is used for previous/next photo in a gallery, in an article or in search results. Keyboard shortcuts: use shift + the left and right arrow keys.

< and > in the bottom center are used for switching between the photos of the same specimen. Keyboard shortcuts: use the left and right arrow keys.

>  in the bottom center, raises the information box giving details and further options for the media,  <  at the top of this box then hides it. Keyboard shortcuts: use the up and down arrow keys.

? opens this help window. Keyboard shortcuts: use the H key or the ? key.

Other keyboard shortcuts:

1Fit image to screen
2Fill screen with image
5Display at full resolution
<Make background darker
>Make background lighter
spaceHide/dim titles and buttons


If the field of view (FOV) is specified for the photo, the scalebar appears in the left bottom corner of the viewer. The scalebar is draggable and resizeable. Drag the right edge to resize it. Double click will reset the scalebar to it's default size and position. If the scalebar is in default position, double click will make it circular.

Controls - Video

Video files have a standard set of video controls: - Reset to start, - Skip back, - Play, - Pause, - Skip forwards. Keyboard shortcuts: You can stop/start video play with the P key.

Controls - Animation (Spin Rotation)

Animation (usually 360 degree spin rotations) have their own controls: - enable spin mode. Note that while images are loading this option will not be available but will be automatically activated when the animation has loaded. Once active you can spin the image/change the animation by moving your mouse or finger on the image left/right or by pressing the [ or ] keys.

The button switches to move mode so that you can use your mouse/fingers to move the image around the screen as with other media types.

The button, or the P key will start playing the animation directly, you can interrupt this by using the mouse or finger on the image to regain manual movement control.

Controls - 3D Stereoscopic images

If a stereoscopic 3D image is opened in the viewer, the 3D button appears in the bottom right corner giving access to "3D settings" menu. The 3D images can be viewed in several ways:
- without any special equipment using cross-eyed or parallel-eyed method
- with stereoscope
- with anaglyph glasses.
- on a suitable 3D TV or monitor (passive 3D system)

For details about 3D refer to: Mindat manuals: Mindat Media Viewer: 3D

To enable/disable 3D stereo display of a compatible stereo pair image press the 3 key. If the left/right images are reversed on your display (this often happens in full-screen mode) press the 4 key to reverse them.

Controls - photo comparison mode

If a photo with activated comparison mode is opened in the viewer, the button appears in the bottom right corner giving access to "Comparison mode settings" menu.

Several layouts are supported: slider and side by-side comparison with up to 6 photos shown synchronously on the screen. On each of the compared photos a view selector is placed, e.g.:  Longwave UV ▼. It shows the name of currently selected view and allows to select a view for each placeholder.

Summary of all keyboard shortcuts

1Fit image to screen
2Fill screen with image
3Switch to 3D display of stereo pair
4Switch left/right images in 3D mode
5Display at full resolution
<, >Make background darker/lighter
H or ?Show/hide this help page
PPlay/Pause Video or Animation
[, ]Backwards/forwards one frame (Animation only)
spaceHide/dim titles and buttons
up arrowShow information box
down arrowHide information box
left arrowPrevious child photo
right arrowNext child photo
shift + left arrowPrevious image on the page
shift + right arrowNext image on the page

Copyright © Enrico Bonacina
minID: AA4-6UA

Honessite : (Ni1-xFe3+x)(OH)2[SO4]x/2·nH2O, Azurite : Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

Copyright © Enrico Bonacina  - This image is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

"Honessite" pseudomorph after ?, with azurite crystals.
(Not analysed according to seller.)

Enrico Bonacina photo, Fabio Brignoli collection (roccelllans)

This photo has been shown 713 times
Photo added:21st Jan 2011
Dimensions:3136x2352px (7.38 megapixels)
Camera:OLYMPUS E-330

Data Identifiers

Mindat Photo ID:362614 📋 (quote this with any query about this photo)
Long-form Identifier:mindat:1:4:362614:3 📋
GUID:50568164-305b-4ebc-adf0-13e111dd80e5 📋
Specimen MinIDAA4-6UA (note: this is not unique to this photo, it is unique to the specimen)

Discuss this Photo

PhotosHonessite - Jean Baptiste Mine, Kamariza Mines, Agios Konstantinos [St Constantine], Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District, Attikí Prefecture, Greece

12th Sep 2016 21:28 UTCŁukasz Kruszewski Expert

Shouldn't honessite be at least some green/greenish?

12th Sep 2016 22:43 UTCRob Woodside 🌟 Manager

This is slightly greenish and lots of things get called "honessite"

15th Sep 2016 21:12 UTCŁukasz Kruszewski Expert

Thanks :-)

14th Apr 2020 22:52 UTCClosed Account 🌟

True, honessite should be green and the mineral on the photo is not honessite!

14th Apr 2020 23:32 UTCBob Harman

While I don't know that much about worldwide occurrences of Honessite, I have several from Indiana in my collection. The bright grass green example above is the "cobweb" variant.

Several years ago, I had a discussion about this mineral with Carl Francis. He noted the following.   What is called "Honessite", may also occasionally be Pecorite or Jamborite or a mixture of the minerals as part of acicular sprays. So I always put the identification of this mineral in quotes as my examples have not been analyzed.

The example pictured below is of several classic grass green sprays.  The largest spray, best seen peeking out at 6 o'clock,  includes 3 cm strands in the spray.     CHEERS.....BOB

14th Apr 2020 23:41 UTCBob Harman

Not a great photo, but classic grass green acicular sprays of "Honessite". The best spray, not easily seen, peeks out from behind Quartz at the 6 o'clock position. 
Unfortunately collectors like me will not sacrifice several spray strands in a collectible specimen for accurate identification...maybe even being a mixture of related minerals?
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